27 March 2019

Damers First School Eco Crew recently popped into our Poundbury Sales and Marketing Suite to present Morrish Builders with an award which recognises the Company as a “PLASTIC FREE CHAMPION” - part of the Surfers Against Sewage campaign. Damers First School are championing the campaign to make Dorset businesses plastic free, led by teacher Edd Moore.

As part of the challenge we have removed the use of plastic cups from head office, reduced the number of printers and now use top up cartridges, and provide re-usable bags for our customers with their literature. We are also taking a proactive approach on site to protect the environment in line with our value to craft sustainable homes.

We look forward to continuing this work and acting as a champion in the communities in which we build.

Contact us today to find out more and a friendly team member will be in touch

Morrish Homes
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